Stretch Brochure
Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Kneel on the side you stretching and bring opposite leg in front into a half kneeling position. Tuck your pelvis underneath you (imagine a dog tucking his tail under himself) to engage your core.
Keep your pelvis tucked and core engaged while you lean forward into the stretch. Do not arch your lower back. Stretch should be felt in the front of your hip.
Combined Hip Flexor & Quadricep Stretch
In the same half kneeling position as before, wrap strap around foot or ankle.
Gently pull heel towards your buttocks. Do not arch lower back. Keep pelvis tucked underneath you throughout stretch. Stretch should be felt in the
front of the hip and the thigh.
Standing Hip Adductor Stretch
Stand with your legs far apart.
Lunge away from the side you are stretching. Allow the knee to bend on the side you are lunging towards
but keep the opposite side knee straight. Stretch should be felt in the inner thigh of the straight leg.
Standing Calf Stretch
Stand an arms-length away from a wall. Extend your arms and place your palms on the wall slightly above your shoulders. Stand with the leg you are stretching
behind you in a staggered stance.
Lean forward keeping your knee straight and heel on the ground. Stretch should be felt in the back of the lower leg and knee.
Lean forward letting your knee bend but keeping your heel on the ground. Stretch should be felt in the back of the lower leg.
TFL Stretch
Lie on your back with the strap around your foot.
Lift your leg and bring it across your body, rotating your foot inwards. Keep your pelvis in place so that all the motion
comes from the hip. Stretch should be felt in the outside of your hip.
Quadricep Stretch
Lie flat on your stomach with strap around your foot or ankle. You can prop your knee on a towel roll for
an increased stretch.
Gently pull your heel towards your buttocks. Do not arch your lower back or let the front of your hip tip forward. Stretch should be felt in
the front of your thigh.
Prone Internal Rotation Fall Out
Lie on your stomach with your knees bent to about 90 degrees.
Let your feet fall outwards, keeping your knees in the same position. Breathe deeply to fully relax your muscles and allow for a greater stretch.
Long Sitting Calf Stretch
Sit with your leg out in front of you and your knee fully straight. Wrap strap around your foot.
Pull on the strap so that your foot moves towards you while maintaining your knee fully straight. Stretch should be felt in the back of the lower leg.
Hamstring Stretch
Sit with your leg out in front of you and your knee fully straight. Wrap strap around your foot.
Pull on the strap, hinging from the hip and not rounding your lower back, as you pull yourself downwards. Keep your knee straight throughout.
Stretch should be felt in the back of your thigh.
Hip External Rotation Stretch
From a standing position, prop the leg you are stretching onto an elevated surface
and let your knee fall outwards.
Lean forward while continuing to keep knee turned out, hinging from the hip, not arching the lower back. Stretch should be felt in the back of the hip.